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类型:港台综艺 地区:中国台湾 年份:2020 
One early morning in March 2015, the Danish police received a call from a nurse at Nykøbing Falster Hospital. She suspects her close colleague of deliberately killing patients and fears that it has just happened again. Soon a murder case unfolds like never seen before in Danish legal history. Several co-workers are now telling the police that they also suspect the nurse has poisoned patients, and some even tell that they have been walking around with this suspicion for several years. But why hasn’t anyone responded? And where is the evidence?唐僧师徒4人取经路上,经过女儿国,三徒弟被如意真君骗喝了子母河水,法力全失,此时女儿国正遇到天劫,蝎子精必须吸收女儿国安娜公主的至阴之身才能躲过天劫。此时唐僧师徒正好经过女儿国,在一次选美大赛上,安娜对唐僧一见钟情,安娜帮助唐僧去取落胎水过程中遇到了很多事情,让唐僧和安娜相互产生了感情。在后面蝎子精的出现让这段爱妻颇为坎坷,发生了很多故事......